Smile Analysis

                 One of the first things that other people notice about you is YOUR SMILE. The appearance of your smile plays a major role in how you perceive yourself – your confidence and self esteem, as well as in the impressions you make on the people around you.

                 If you feel good about your smile, you are much more likely to flash it at others in a pleasing and disarming manner. A charming smile can open doors and break down barriers that stand between you and a fuller, richer life. However, if you’re not completely happy with your smile, perhaps it’s time to get a new one!

               So we have put together a self smile analysis for you to grade yourself on one of your most valuable assets.  Your Smile!!

The following self-analysis will help you make that determination.

In our practice. We suggest 2differents ways to evaluate smile: Objective and Subjective

Objective evaluation: Stand in front of a mirror and view your smile close-up

  • Note the color of your teeth- Are they sparkling white or are they somewhat yellow, dark, or stained?
  • Do you have a missing tooth/ teeth?
  • Is the midline of your two front teeth centered with your face and nose?
  • Do you have spaces between any of your teeth?
  • Do you have teeth that are crooked, uneven, or out of alignment?
  • Do your front teeth protrude or overlap?
  • Are the edges of your teeth worn flat, giving you an ‘older’ smile?
  •  Do the biting edges of your upper teeth follow the curvature of your upper lip?
  • Do any of your teeth appear short and fat or too small or too large?
  • Are the edges of any of your teeth too long or too short or are all your teeth even?
  • Do your teeth (as a group) slant one way or another?
  • Are the edges of your canine teeth too long, sharp, or look out of line?
  • Do your lips cover most of your teeth when you smile?
  • Do you have a “gummy” smile — showing too much gum tissue or having gums that are too thick?
  • Are your gums even and in line and symmetrical or irregularly shaped — higher on some teeth and lower on others?
  • Have your gums receded or do they appear red and swollen?
  • Do you have any grey, black or silver dental fillings in your teeth?
  • Do you have any old crowns that have dark edges at the top or that don’t really look natural?

The Emotional Smile Evaluation

              The emotional smile evaluation is based on one’s own views regarding his or her smile. Answer the below mentioned questions-it will reveal a lot about how your smile affects your self esteem, confidence in day to day life.

  • Are you happy with the appearance of your teeth and smile?
  • Are you shy to give a broad smile when talking to others or posing for a photograph?
  • Do you compare your smile with those of models and wish you had a similar smile?
  • Are you embarrassed to visit a cosmetic dentist due to the condition of your teeth or the length of time since your last visit to a dentist?
  • How does your smile make you feel? Confident? Embarrassed?
  • Have you figured out a way to use your lips to cover any aspect of your smile?
  •  Do you shy away from showing a full smile in front of other people, especially strangers?
  • How does the idea of a new flashing smile appeals to you?
  • If you were given the option to change your smile, what would you like to change about your smile?

This questionnaire would give you a quite fair assessment of your smile. Now if you wish to change, improve or enhance your smile, contact us…!!

Your new smile is just a click away!

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