Hygiene Protocol

              At our Dental Clinic we are committed to the safety of not only our patients, but also the Doctors and the dental assistants working in the clinic. We strongly believe that one who cannot take care of himself cannot provide good care to others. So the hygiene protocol begins with one’s own self.

General cleanliness and waste management :

  • As soon as you enter the clinic you realize our commitment to cleanliness and maintenance. We have a dedicated staff to take care of the entire general cleaning who is not entrusted with any work related to the clinic instruments and sterilization.
  • We not only use disposable needles and syringes but we also make sure they are not in a position to be recycled. As soon as the needle syringe is used, the needle is burnt in an electric needle burner and the syringe is cut at the hub so that it cannot be reused.
  • The dental chair and the unit are kept spik-n-span clean at any given point of time. The dental unit is disinfected between patients and all the frequently touched surfaces of the dental unit are covered with disposable food grade cling foil plastic film.
  • Every patient uses disposable glass and the suction tips used to suck water and saliva from the mouth is also one time “use and throw”
  • The digital x-ray requires placing a sensor in the mouth. The sensor is neither sterilisable nor disposable so they are placed in plastic pouches before placing in the mouth and the cover disposed after one use. Similar procedure is adopted for the intraoral camera.

Instrument Sterilisation :

              Every instrument used in this clinic is either disposable or sterilized . The instruments to be sterilized follow a prescribed sequence before it is used again. The following steps are meticulously carried out:

  • The used instruments are first soaked in debriding solution to loosen all the debris and facilitate its cleaning.
  • The instruments are then scrubbed to clean the surfaces and fine grooves. All visible particles are removed at this stage.
  • Even after through cleaning manually there is a possibility of fine debris clinging on to the instruments in crevices not visible to the naked eye. So the instruments are then kept in an ultrasonic bath for 10- 15 min. This removes even the slightest of particles predictably.

What is ultrasonic cleaning?

Ultrasonics is the application of mechanical sound waves to the cleaning process. This type of cleaning has proven to be the most effortless, quick and efficient method known today .

How does ultrasonic cleaning work?

Ultrasonic cleaning is state-of-the-art technology. It utilizes a digital generator powering transducers submerged in a tank of warm water. The transducers vibrate at a frequency of 40 KHz creating millions of tiny bubbles that form and implode. This repeated formation and implosion creates a gentle cleaning action known as Cavitations. Cavitation has the ability to not only clean the surfaces of items, but also penetrate into the difficult to clean internal and crevice areas. It is safe and gentle. Ultrasonics will not scratch, pit or damage items the way that conventional cleaning methods can.

The instruments are then segregated and placed in sterilization pouches. These pouches have paper on one side and P.V.C. film on the other side. These pouches have colour indicating strips which change from PINK

The method of sterilization used in Sparkle dental clinic is steam under pressure i.e. autoclaving.

Sterilization Pouches


                 Under ordinary circumstances, heating water above the boiling point in an open vessel is impossible. Whenever the temperature rises up to 100° C, water ceases to warm any more. This is due to extensive evaporation that occurs during boiling. The process of evaporation takes all the heat, thus preventing water from further heating. If water is boiled long enough, it all turns to vaor .

                 However, if water is heated in a sealed vessel (such as an autoclave), it is possible to increase the boiling point . When the temperature reaches approximately 90° C, extensive evaporation takes place. Water vapor, being a gas by nature, creates excessive pressure within the vessel. As vapor pressure in the vessel reaches the value that corresponds to the temperature, evaporation ceases. Thereby, not all water turns into vapor. The higher the temperature, the higher is the pressure of the vapor. The heat generated under pressure is called latent heat and has more penetrative power to squeeze through bacteria and even their dormant, heat-resistant form — the spores .

                A medical autoclave is a device that uses steam to sterilise equipment and other objects. This means that all bacteria , viruses , fungi , and spores are inactivated. Autoclaves work by allowing steam to enter, then maintaining pressure at 103 kPa (15 psi ). This causes the steam to reach 121 ° C , and this is maintained for at least 15 minutes

                After the autoclaving process is completed the pouches are checked for colour change to ensure proper sterilisation. The pouches are then sealed using a sealing machine and stored in autoclave boxes. The pouches are opened in front of the patient so the patient is assured that the instruments are sterilised.

Infection control :

                Infection control in our office is very important to us. To protect our patients and ourselves, we strictly maintain sterilization and cross contamination processes. Our approach has the important benefits of decreasing patient and staff exposure to chemical hazards, and also decreasing the environmental impact of dentistry.

                There are a number of potential health hazards associated with active ingredients found in dental clinics. We are very much aware of the hazards involved and have always taken appropriate protective measures, for our dentists as well as our patients such as:

  • Wear new sets of gloves for every Patient.
  • Wear mask, eye protection & head Caps.
  • All Instruments are cleaned with disinfectant, then packed in autoclavable packets & sterilized. They are untouched till the time of usage & are kept in UV Chamber.
  • The chair is clean with Disinfectant after every patient.
  • Each part of the chair where the doctor touches or the instrument that the doctor used are covered with disposable plastics to avoid for cross contamination & are changed for every patient.
  • Patient is covered with full Apron & for each patient a new disposable glass, new disposable Suction & a napkin is given.
  • Fumigation is done at regular interval.
  • Clinic is thoroughly & properly cleaned with disinfectant twice every day.
  • We use the best quality new disposable needles and syringes for every patient & also make sure they are not in a position to be recycled.
  • The digital x-ray & Camera are placed in plastic pouches before placing in the mouth and the cover disposed after one use.
  • To maintain clean and sterilized environment all patients are requested to remove their footwear, and leave their belongings outside in the reception before entering the operatory room.
  • We use the best qualified materials and instruments for all the procedures.

We believe that the health and hygiene of our patient comes first and hence it is our primary responsibility to protect our patients from any infection or chemical hazards. Our equipments are used only after sufficient sterilization.